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Wellbeing Top Tips

Some wonderful members of our Little Lifts Community who have benefited from our support have shared their top tips for looking after yourself during treatment.

  • ‘Me Time’ – with the help of the contents of the wonderful box. Plenty of relaxation time and just take each day as it comes – no two days are the same. Keep sucking on the sweets and be kind to yourself.
  • With both chemo and radio the days I felt down were not necessarily the days I felt most ill. They were days when I expected to feel better/less tired but didn’t. These days pass and you will start to feel better/less tired. Don’t beat yourself up for not doing yet. 
  • Watch Married at First Sight Australia
  • Very grateful that at Colchester they have tried their best to make it as unstressful as possible. Oh here’s one – don’t try and hold your breath forever. Sometimes they may forget to tell you to start breathing again. ;)
  • Try not to feel like a victim, stand tall. Listen and take all the guidance given by your health professionals. There is another day tomorrow.
  • Top tip, listen to your body, if you’re tired then rest and drink lots of fluid. Your body’s doing so much work even if you think you’re not.
  • Take every day as it comes.  
  • Don’t beat yourself up if something doesn’t happen.
  • To realise you are not alone; accept what is happening; accept help; accept emotional support; accept love and attention.
  • The best advice I can give is to just keep going. At times giving up seems like the easier option, especially with the severe side effects I’m experiencing, but take each day as it comes. Look after yourself, if you don’t feel like doing anything on a specifically bad day, it’s your prerogative to do so. You need to take care of yourself, the rest will manage. Ask for help if you need to…it’s ok to not be ok!
  • Take things at a steady pace when you feel ready. It’s ok to feel down, talk to partners and friends and accept support offered.
  • Take it one day at a time.
  • Support from other cancer patients
  • Something my sister would say to me whenever I felt scared or low was ‘YOU CAN & YOU WILL get through this’
  • Set up a bird feeding station in the garden which I topped up every morning. It was lovely to sit and watch the birds from a comfy chair.
  • On a bad day, take it minute by minute, hour by hour and know that it passes.
  • My top tip is to try to smile each day. Whether it is a look from my dog or a hug from my partner, embrace it. It’s a hard road but we are not alone.
  • Keep something a little special for those really difficult days as that’s when we really need to be spoiled. Ask for help when you need it, don’t be too proud. Cry when you need to and dry your tears, you’ll feel better for it. Try not to worry about the little things, you need all your energy for the big decisions. Look after yourself with little special treats. Wear comfy clothes and have a PJ day if you need one. Be kind to yourself.
  • I’m only on cycle 3 so not sure I have any top tips as every day is different. But people tell me “keep going”.
  • I know it’s one of the most difficult times in a life when someone receives any cancer diagnosis but for me it was key to remain positive. I believe what we tell ourselves/those internal monologues feed our physical state and it was important for me to remain positive. I also expressed this to friends and family who then resisted the urge to be cross/angry about what was happening to MY body. On a physical note, rest and hydration are absolutely key to managing side effects, nobody needs to be a hero when faced with these relentless symptoms. Embrace the bald, no-one cares that you have no hair !!
  • I haven’t really got a top tip other than to say it isn’t for long and just keep thinking that you are getting to the end of a long tunnel with the help and expertise of lots of people who do care.
  • I have found keeping as positive an attitude as possible has been a great help (not possible every day I know) but positive thoughts promote positive actions. Have found some days a lot harder than others but with a crazy/hyper two-year-old at home it’s good to try to show a positive outlook. 
  • I can only say I was looking for the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ and very grateful for all the help and support of my friends and neighbours.
  • Having a positive mindset helps, though it might seem difficult on some days.
  • Going through breast cancer I have been reminded of the following:

    1) You never know what tomorrow will bring so enjoy every day. 
    2) Keep positive and be thankful.
    3) you really never know what people are going through.
  • Ask questions, be prepared for anything, take each day as it comes.
  • I never thought a year ago I’d be sitting here feeling somewhat normal again but I am, so have faith and together we can kick cancer’s butt!!
  • Chemo is certainly not a walk in the park but it is doable. You will have good days and bad days. I found inner strength I never knew I even had which obviously got me through. You will find that inner strength too! Writing things down helped me through my darkest moments and even speaking out loud. You can do this.
  • Everyone’s story is their own. It is so easy to be ‘freaked out’ at hearing what others have gone through, but you have to remember that is their story, not yours.
  • For me personally, I had to learn to listen to my body. I lived my life at 100 miles an hour, lots of socialising, lots of exercise classes and always busy. I learned to rest when needed, if I didn’t do that I often felt much worse. So I would say, rest when you can, eat well when you can and drink plenty of water.