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Support for loved ones

Curated support and resources by the Little Lifts team

Talking with children about breast cancer

Talking with children about breast cancer can be difficult, especially knowing where to start. Here are some helpful ways to support you getting started.

Talking with children about breast cancer

Talking with children about breast cancer can be difficult, especially knowing where to start. Here are some helpful ways to support you getting started.

Support for Breast Cancer Patients – Talking About Death

Talking about death can be difficult, even though death is a universal experience that inevitably touches us all. In honour of Dying Matters Week, we've compiled some resources to offer support to breast cancer patients facing this difficult topic.

Dealing with grief at Christmas

Christmas can be a particularly difficult time to manage grief. So, we have collated some tips to hopefully help.

Useful links to help you understand your diagnosis and treatment

There are many other helpful sites to help people understand cancer and how to cope with a diagnosis. Here are a few of our favourites.

Support for breast cancer in men

Links and resources for men with breast cancer.

Get a Little Lifts Box

There are many ways to get a Little Lifts Box, whether you're in active treatment or surprising a loved one.